Don't Overwhelm Yourself

We all do it. We think we're SUPERMOM! I have three children and I can overdo it. I try to be everything. For instance, I'm a wife, a mom, a full-time student, a mentor to teen girls and I have my own hobbies. On top of that keeping the house clean, going to the grocery store, the library, laundry and just everyday things. It's hectic! I was a single mom for my oldest son until he was six, he's eleven now. I don't know how I did it!! Sometimes I just have to leave some things undone for the day. I would NEVER get any sleep if I followed the saying about getting things done when the kids are sleep. I guess if it was something I had to do, I would manage, but why stress myself out when I could be sending quality time with my kids and enjoying them while they're still young (I won't get these years back). I just want to send a shout out to ALL the single moms out there: You are TRUE supermoms! It just made me so grateful to have someone to share the load with, even when the sharing isn't 50/50, I still don't have to do everything (it just feels that way sometimes :o)).

Back to the tip, map out the things you have to do for the week. Then spread them out for the week, do a bit here and there so that it doesn't feel like you have to do everything in one day... AND everything gets done! Make sure you PLAY with your children, even if you feel like you're too old to play (you're NEVER too old to play), your kids will love it even if you just play a card game with them or just toss the ball back and forth. Most important of all read to your child(ren).


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