Slow To Speak, Quick To Listen...

James 1:19-20 "My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires."

WOW! So, while this is not what I read in my quiet time this morning, it was on my heart today.

Yesterday, all day, Jada was just talking: to me, to herself or just out loud in general.... Now, for me, being an impatient person, it got a bit annoying. Not only would she ask questions, but she would answer herself too... so to me I'm like 'why ask a question if you know the answer?!' So needless to say, I was not being a patient mother yesterday... too my shame.

So in thinking about this scripture, I believe God put it on my heart to remind me that I do the SAME thing. I ask questions when I know the answer and usually it's for confirmation of something. I talk to myself... OUT LOUD... it's a process for me to work things out... she is so much like me it's CRAZY... which is part of the things that make me go crazy! How does Jeremy put up with me!

Anyway, today, I'm going to try to be slow to become angry (or annoyed, or frustrated) and listen to her. She's smart, funny and most of all she's 4! How else is she suppose to learn if not through me?

Thank you God for reminding me of this scripture. I know I fall short of your expectations every day. Please give me the same patience that you have, so that I can love my children through the frustrating times and be an example of unconditional love, because I have a GREAT example in You. I pray this in Your Son's name, Amen


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