Making My Own Products

I have been on this natural kick lately (remember my last post). I'm working up to working out again (skinny-fat is NOT cute), but I'm just not motivated to do so. I found this 15 minute workout that I am going to try out. I just need something to keep me toned, but even still, I'm not motivated.

Anyway, I guess I'm not the only one on the natural kick. Seems the whole world is trying to get in on it... AND so is the manufacturers and hair product people! Even when I read the label and the ingredients are good (natural and organic), the price it out the ROOF!!! Why oh why must we try to get everyone for every single penny that they have?! I don't understand... So I've been doing research on what goes into a product and how to make it myself.

I have succeeded in some products of my own! I have made a natural deodorant, lip balm, body scrub and hair butter! WOOT-WOOT! More to come hopefully. I can't believe how easy it is to make things that you need and the best part about it is that I know exactly what is going into the products and you know how your body responds to the ingredients. Before thinking of mixing your own products, make sure you do your research! But I encourage everyone to start doing their own thing... maybe it'll teach these big companies a lesson they won't forget.

You may see me on Etsy soon... I'm thinking about it... :-)


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