No More Mineral Oil?

Who hasn't used Baby Lotion, Baby Oil or just plain Mineral Oil to put on our skin for a little moisture retention? I know I have. Especially Baby Oil! Why wouldn't that be okay, it's made for babies... right?

Since deciding that I was going to pay more attention to what I was putting in my body as well as on my body, I've noticed that mineral oil is in almost every cosmetic product out there (with the exception of all natural products). So much of the info was contradictory, use it, don't use it... Of course, this made me want to do some research of my own. Here's what I found to be the most important facts (to me)...
-mineral oil is a by-product of the distillation of petroleum to produce gasoline and other petroleum-based products (from crude oil petrochemical)
-found in 98% of skincare products sold in the U.S.
-petrochemicals contain neurotoxins

Here's how it works:
Mineral oil forms a film on the surface of your skin that can not be absorbed. If your skin, hair or whatever you're using it on, isn't moisturized properly before you apply it, wherever you're applying will be dry. I guess this makes it a great sealant.

I guess what it boils down to is knowing what you're using and your technique for using it. Mineral oil is approved by the FDA, but that doesn't amount to a hill of beans to me. That fact may bring you comfort, but I would urge you to research the FDA.

All in all you are the captain of your ship and you decide what you want to do, but as for me and my household, we will not be using mineral oil products on our bodies. No one has solid proof on the long-term effects, they just know that it is okay for now. I don't know the long-term effects either, but I do know that I would rather not spread a byproduct of gasoline all over my body... but hey! That's just me.


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