A Lesson in ...
Humility. I am always checking to make sure that my kids are on good behavior, especially when we go out. I am not a fan of kids that are disrespectful to their parents or other adults. I think that I discipline well letting my kids know when and what I expect from them according to their age. With my first son, I think I got cocky. Looking at kids that act out in public, all the while thinking "my child would NEVER do that" as if he was a perfect angel and he knew better than to get out of hand. WELL... then I had my second son and he is a VERY strong-willed child. I was humbled. When he's happy he's a riot, but when he's not having a good day, he lets EVERYONE know and he makes sure that NO ONE will have a good day if he's not having one. No matter what I tried, he had a mind of his own, even with being disciplined... stubborn. So I turned into one of those parents that I looked at and judged... how awful I was. I look back and think that I should have looked at those people with compassion instead of judgment. Sometimes the only way that you can give compassion to someone is if you go through it. It was one of those tomes for me. I love him and am still finding new ways to discipline him effectively, but it has changed my character and once I was content with his character and how he expressed himself, I think God started working on his character. Now, he's beginning to talk more (to other people) and he's surely more loving. I had to see my pride before he could change.
Appreciate your child for who they are, they are each individuals. Encourage the individuality while guiding them down a path of righteousness. Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it. (Proverbs 22:6)