A New Year... AND Snow!

Hi all,
Haven't been on this thing in a while. I guess life had taken control and was dragging me along for the ride. Well, since it's a new year I guess I have resolved to try and get something on this blog once a week. I hope that doesn't leave everyone in a funk (I know how you love me).

Contrary to most people, I love the snow! I love to watch it from the window. I love going out and making snowmen or having a snowball fight. Some of my best memories as a child are from the winter and being out in the snow. I just like to be the decision-maker on whether or not I go out in it!

How many people really do new year resolutions anymore? I think I stopped about 10 years ago. I always ended up shooting too high! A ton of resolutions or impossible resolutions. Then I stopped all together! Neither one of these worked for me. I think that every year you need to grow (especially from the year before). If you're doing the same things you did from the year before, you'll have the same year as before! RIGHT! So I decided to have new year goals... a little different from resolutions. For me the goals are things I want to work on, they don't necessarily have to have a finite change, but it's the journey of trying to change. When we make decisions to do something, there's a process. It's the process that makes you grow: how you handle it, things that you'll do different from last time because you learned something. Most of all growing in the realization of who you are and loving yourself... flaws and all!

So my goal for 2010 is to embrace me and to draw closer to God... the perfect of example of love... even with all of my flaws!
My focus scripture this year is Philippians 4:8-13.


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