Hydrate Your Skin
Most people know that you should drink water (about 8, eight ounce glasses per day). But for some reason we just don't do it!! Why, oh why can't we just do as we should?!
Well ladies (and gents), I had a hard time drinking water too, and I use to think that I was going to drown my insides by drinking 8 glasses a day. In order for me to drink what I was suppose to, I had to start thinking of it logically instead of thinking of it as something I was dreading. The logical thing about it is that an 8 oz. glass of water is really NOTHING! Go fill a cup to 8 ounces... go ahead! SEE!! It's barely enough to quench the thirst! Once you see how much it really is you don't feel like you'll drown. The other thing I had to do was stop thinking that I HAVE to drink 8 ounces. I WANT to drink 8 ounces for all of the benefits that will fall upon me (better skin, hydration to my insides, better digestion, etc...). When I drink water now I don't feel like it's a burden. We just have to change our thinking. We have to hydrate the inside of our bodies as well as the outside.
For the outside, you have to be aware of your own skin. Some of us have oily skin and some of us have dry skin. There are people that fall in between dry and oily. You COULD just throw on any kind of lotion, but wouldn't you rather have the lotion that is most beneficial to your body? Think about it... if you have dry skin and you use something that is for normal to oily skin, do you think it's going to have much moisturizing action? No, because people with oily skin don't need as much moisture. We have to be aware of what we purchase and make sure that what we are buying is made for us. Love the skin you're in and take care of it while you have it!