Woman of Noble Character
So, I've been a slacker as far as posting has gone. My apologies. This week I'm doing finals, so why in the world would I be posting right now! Call me crazy... or procrastinator. Have you ever tried to find anything to do besides what you know you should be doing? I think we've all been there and if you haven't please send me a comment and let me know what your secret is. I have 2 more finals, microbiology and voice. Yes, I'm well rounded in my choices for classes to take. Really, I had 2 tough classes so I took 2 classes that I knew I would enjoy, to kinda balance out the load. Well, I'm down to the wire and I was reading in my Bible this morning. I read Proverbs 31 about the description of the wife of noble character. Now, I don't know how many of you go to the Bible to figure things out, but that's what I tend to do. Each and every time I'm convicted by something I read... like about the proverbs wife of noble character. One of the things that I'm impressed about is that she is NEVER idle and she does the things that she has to do. Because of this, her family adore her and honor her. She is precious to her husband and he is proud to call her his wife. She has her hands full, she runs a business, takes care of the kids, takes care of her husband and takes care of the house. And even with all of that going on she still has time to help the poor and needy! Talk about a superwoman! So needless to say, I need to get back to work and stop procrastinating. I REALLY had to share that with you, maybe if you struggle with the same thing you can go to that passage and be convicted and inspired to be a woman of noble character.
*all pictures are used with permission from the photographer.