Don't You Just LOVE Family

I started school last week... It was interesting to say the least. I'm not feeling overwhelmed yet and I think it's because I'm expecting to feel REALLY overwhelmed. The teachers are trying to prepare me for the load (the other students too), but telling us that for the next year all we will do is eat, breathe and sleep Respiratory Therapy... It's kinda scary... but exciting at the same time.

I don't think that everyone "gets" that I'm in a program that for the next year and a half will be my life. I am quick to help people and I think I've spoiled some people with my willingness to help :o)... I'm just gonna have to be a person that isn't afraid to say 'no'... I don't think that will be hard AT ALL!

All joking aside, I have to be able to find balance and it's not going to come easy. I'm told that the first semester is the easiest and it only gets harder... I only have 4 semesters to do, so it's going to get pretty hard, pretty fast. I have to brace myself, but brace myself with balance. The balance I'm referring to is reading the Bible and praying. I can't let one outshine the other because once that balance is off, the the rest of my life will be out of balance.

Speaking of balance, it's midnight and I have an 8 o'clock class in the morning, so I'm off to bed!


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