Okay, so I'm lame! I don't know how long it's been since I've posted anything... okay so I do know, but WHATEVER!
I am so discouraged today about school... You ever feel like there's no end in sight? I now there is but, I'm not doing so well in one of my classes. And you would think that since I'm not putz-ing around on the computer all the time that my grades would be better... THEY'RE NOT! I feel like an idiot, and remarks from the professors like, "it's so simple" or "this is an easy test, I'm embarrassed for giving it", doesn't help... it actually makes you feel even MORE stupid. I'm the worst test taker anyway... Just not a good day...
So what is the up side for today? I have to try and find something positive, I hate to just have a horrible day with nothing good from it... I got NOTHING! I've never "got nothing"... I've always got something... I can't end the day like this, I have to thin of something...
Aside from the obvious, like being alive and having a great family, what did I learn today? I learned that it is so easy to let Satan get a foothold! Ever since I found out my test grade, he has been playing with my emotions... making me feel like an idiot... making me think that I'm the only person that is struggling so I must be the weakest link... "take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ"...
I am so discouraged today about school... You ever feel like there's no end in sight? I now there is but, I'm not doing so well in one of my classes. And you would think that since I'm not putz-ing around on the computer all the time that my grades would be better... THEY'RE NOT! I feel like an idiot, and remarks from the professors like, "it's so simple" or "this is an easy test, I'm embarrassed for giving it", doesn't help... it actually makes you feel even MORE stupid. I'm the worst test taker anyway... Just not a good day...
So what is the up side for today? I have to try and find something positive, I hate to just have a horrible day with nothing good from it... I got NOTHING! I've never "got nothing"... I've always got something... I can't end the day like this, I have to thin of something...
Aside from the obvious, like being alive and having a great family, what did I learn today? I learned that it is so easy to let Satan get a foothold! Ever since I found out my test grade, he has been playing with my emotions... making me feel like an idiot... making me think that I'm the only person that is struggling so I must be the weakest link... "take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ"...