Keeping My Eyes On God...

I recently celebrated my 11 year commitment to God... what a feat!
It has been a long road, and it hasn't been easy, but the Bible promises that it would be hard for all that follow God's words. He hasn't lied, all His promises he keeps.

Last month, Jeremy got a new job... YAY! He was out of work for about 6 months and, as some might know, that's a hard thing when you have kids, a house, a wife that's a full time student... oh and a cat :*). Well, we prayed and prayed for him to find a job, but not just any job, we prayed for specifics like a smaller company, family oriented, great benefits, etc. He applied for job all over the Cleveland area... nothing. So, we talked about it and decided that we weren't REALLY letting God have control of our lives if we weren't willing to go where he sent us. So our plan turned into continuing to pray for those specific things but opening our search up to any location. So he applied in different states, and had a few interviews but nothing ever came of those interviews. We continued to pray because we know that God is faithful. In the mean time, God provided Jeremy with enough work to cover our mortgage and stay up to date on our bills... AMEN! I think God was waiting for us to get completely surrendered... and that happened when there was a job that Jer really liked... in Toronto! He asked should he apply and I said, "well, we wouldn't be letting God have control if you didn't, so apply". THANK GOD he didn't get that job, but a week later he got an offer for a job in California!

God knows the desires of our hearts. He knew I didn't want to live in Toronto, but that I've wanted to live in California since I visited there over 10 years ago! I thought it was a pipe-dream, but God knew my heart... and Jeremy has wanted to live there too! God made a way for us to get there and be secure financially to do it. One could look at this story and say that we had to lose our job in order to move to California. We look at this story and say that we had to let go of us and hold on to God for something better. The job that he has now id EVERYTHING that we prayed for plus it's in California! California is the cherry on top. God has a plan for you, a PERFECT plan, but sometimes we get in the way of His plan, and since He has given us free will, He doesn't just take over, which is why surrender is SO important.

When we keep our eyes on God, He'll guide our steps so we don't trip and fall.


Iamredeemed said…
Hi - just saw your blog and I just had to say I agree 100%. God cant use you fully, untill you fully surrender to Him. Then just watch His will be done!
Thanks for your encouragement~!
God bless -

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