The Honest Company Review
I remember that I said something about letting everyone know about the sites that I use for my natural and organic products... about 2 months ago! WOW! Time flies when you homeschool and you're in school, I don't even know where the month of September went!
I'll start with The Honest Company. This is a newer find for me,, I love the products that I have gotten from there so far. I've tried lotion, oil, conditioner, hand soap, dish detergent, laundry detergent and the healing balm. I think that if you are not into making your own skin products, this is a nice company to try. You sign up for a membership (you pick your package), and for $35.95 a month you get 5 items of your choice. You can switch it up, change the frequency of the shipment, etc. There are many options on this website, just go and check it out. I have not been paid with cash or products to promote this site, I'm just sharing what I'm using in hopes that it will help you too. And $35.95 per month is not bad, for all the things that I purchase between household items, personal care items and gifts for other people... I'm getting my money's worth.
One of the things that drew me to this particular company is their goal in providing products free from all of the hulabaloo that other companies put in their product. They have done their research and provide pure products, no extra chemicals, natural and organic... at a good price to boot! If you are still a skeptic (I was) try their free trial pack, the only thing you pay is shipping and handling, which is about $5 or $6. I hope you're as pleasantly surprised as I was and that you will share it with others. We have to take care of our environment, no one else is worried about it!
They also give some of their proceeds to a charity. The company picks a charity every year to help out, this year they are partnered with Baby2Baby, a company that supplies families in need with essentials like clothes, gear and diapers. I like that. Check them out.