Bonnie & Clyde

SO... I have a story to tell...

I was sitting at home one day with the kids. Nate and Jada were upstairs playing in their room. In their room, I knew because I could hear their little footsteps running and them laughing together. This was a good thing because you want your kids to get along. My sister, Janiece, called me to chit-chat. I'm talking to Janiece when I smell something. Pretty, fresh like perfume. I say. "what are you two doing?"... no answer. "Janiece, I'm going to call you back..." I go upstairs to see what's going on...

IT WAS MAYHEM! Anything that you could spray, pump, squeeze... ALL OVER THE BATHROOM! I'm talking shower gel, shampoo, conditioner, hair products, peroxide, hand sanitizer... EVERYTHING! They're not in the bathroom, they're in their room, I go in there and everything that's in the bathroom is in their room too! I look at Jada, she has some of everything on her... in her hair, on her face, and all over her clothes. I look at Nate... CLEAN AS A WHISTLE!

Needless to say, momma wasn't happy... the only thing that got me through it was knowing that when I retold the story to my friends and other people, it would be hilarious... and it is. Whenever I think of it, I laugh. My laughing is the only thing that saved them that day... my little Bonnie & Clyde!


Anonymous said…
LOL! everytime i hear the story i laugh...u wanted to kill them that day lol. I love them!

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