Honest Living

Ok, so lately I've been changing some things about my family's lifestyle. Let me start from the beginning...

When I decided to go back to being natural with my hair, it made me really pay attention to the products that I use and what is actually in them. I guess it was the beginning of my journey, it was the first time I had actually paid attention to the ingredients on those products. Before, I just used the things that my parents used and they used certain products because their parents used them, and so forth.

Growing the chemicals out of my hair made me take notice of the things that really worked for me and my hair. I was actually getting to know my hair, since I had not ever done my natural hair and had gotten relaxers when I was 12 years old. Being 35 years old when I decided to make that change, that's 22 years of chemicals and not know what my natural hair even felt like. One year later, I believe it's the best thing I've ever done.

Back to our lifestyle... I had heard about clean eating before but whenever I would look into it, everyone made it seem so difficult! Reading labels, eat this, don't eat that, be careful because manufacturers try to trick you with the names of thing, etc... Who is going to remember all of that stuff?! I barely remember what I did yesterday... Ain't nobody got time for that!!!!

It took me a while to get on board with it because there was no "how to" guide or someone that had been through it and given practicals... Just information that it could be done. I found the same thing with beauty products! I did my own research for that but it was long, hard and expensive! Buying things, trial and error, products claiming things and not providing what they claimed. I was a die hard neutrogena fan! Nothing worked on my skin better and nothing got rid of acne like it... But I still want in love with my skin. I found out that the reason was some of the ingredients, I didn't need them and they dried my skin out. I didn't have the skin that 'glowed' and it felt rough, not smooth... So my search began. I was looking for what seemed like months and coming up with nothing, thought I was gonna have to go back to neutrogena, but how could I when I knew what it was doing to my skin.

I was looking through the Groupon page for the deals that they offered and came across a deal of get $50 of makeup for $20... I had $20. I looked at the website and saw that the products were vegan! Vegan makeup and body care items. I thought 'couldn't hurt to try it', and I love to support small businesses. I ordered some of her sample kits: face care, mineral makeup, eyeshadows and lip mask. As an African-American woman, it is very hard to find a foundation that you like, matches, and for me, doesn't feel heavy. For the mineral powder, you have the option of light to medium samples or medium to dark samples... I chose medium to dark, with little expectations. Thinking that I would be the darkest color of the, maybe, 4 shades that she would send. There are just not a lot of choices out there. I received about 20-30 samples! I was floored! And about 10 of them were in the darker range!

Anyway, long story short, I love my skin now! The way it looks and feels! I have simplified and don't use the chemicals and non-essential things on my face. I use black soap, witch hazel and coconut oil. That is all. I don't get these items from the same site but I definitely still get my makeup from her. She has a customer for life! What I love about her it that you can email her and ask her any question and she will try and help you out... WITHOUT trying to sell you her products!

So the point of this post is to share with you 3 major websites that have helped me to be more conscious of what I put on my body as well as in my body. They share practicals and products that I believe are beneficial and honest. What they say is in them, is really there and there is no reading between the lines and wondering if there are things that are not in them. They share the 'how to's', and they really just want to share the knowledge that you don't have to settle for what people are trying to sell you. I really feel more healthy and better about the health of my family.

www.theallnaturalface.com (claim me as a referral in the comment box when you purchase)

More info to come on wag individual site.
Happy Honest Living!


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